
From 2010 up to 2014, there has been a decline in average employment from about 5,400 to about 5,200. From 2012 to 2015, employment has been stable around 5,200.

By districts found almost half of those employed in Aasiaat, Qasigiannguit has 20%, Kangaatsiaq 17% and Qeqertarsuaq 13%.

The unemployment rate for Kommune Qeqertalik was 10.7% in 2015, which is slightly above the national average (9.1%). There are large differences in unemployment rates between the four districts. Aasiaat, Qasigiannguit and Qeqertarsuaq have unemployment rates close to the national average while Kangaatsiaq has a significantly higher unemployment rate (17.6% by 2015).

Branch Division

The two largest industry groups in Kommune Qeqertalik are Public administration and service (41%) as well as Fishing, hunting and agriculture (24%).

Compared to the national average, Kommune Qeqertalik has an especially large segment of employment in the Fishing, hunting and agriculture group.

Aasiaat has many people employed in Public Administration and Service, but also in Fishing, hunting and agriculture, as well as Trade and Transport. As the municipality's main city, the share of Public Administration and Service is expected to increase significantly in the next few years

Kangaatsiaq, Qasigiannguit and Qeqertarsuaq also have many people employed in Public Administration and Service, as well as Fishing, hunting and agriculture - Qeqertarsuaq does not have so many employees in the latter industry group.


The average household income in Kommune Qeqertalik was approximately 345,000 kroner in 2015, which is approximately 20% lower than the national average. The income level in the municipality has increased at the same rate as the nationwide development since 2008.

Household income is generally higher in towns than in settlements. At district level, the household income is highest in Qasigiannguit og Qeqertarsuaq, while Aasiaat is slightly below the municipal average and Kangaatsiaq has the lowest income level among the four districts.