0003-K03 Saqqarliip Nunaa
0003-K03 (en)
Location – town/settlement
Nunaannaq (Det aabne land)
Huts, holiday cottages
Specific use
Huts and holiday cottages
The area is to be used for recreational huts and holiday cottages which are not treated as main residences. In the area, to a limited extent, tourist huts, hunting huts and emergency huts may be established, as long as their number does not change the fact that the area is primarily used for recreational huts, holiday cottages etc. It is possible to establish facilities that can be used for small-scale commercial activities such as drying racks, smoking chambers, horticulture and the like as long as these are solely for one’s own personal use. Such facilities are to be established near the hut in question.
Current conditions
The area is partially developed
Building provisions
Huts are to be constructed at least 60 metres apart. Recreational huts and summer cottages are to have a maximum height of 2 storeys, corresponding to one floor with a habitable attic, measuring no more than 7.5 metres to the ridge. Huts are to have a maximum area of 20 m² Summer cottages are to have a maximum area of 100 m² Tourist huts are to have a maximum area of 60 m² Foundations are to have a maximum height of one metre at the lowest part of the footing. Buildings are to be maintained regularly to not disfigure their surroundings.
Remaining available space
The area covers a total of 1600 ha The area has room for around 500 huts, depending on the final layout of the buildings Once the abovementioned building potential has been utilised, the area is considered fully developed without any available space
Traffic service and utilities
No roads, wheel tracks, paths, jetties or public supply plants can be established. Technical supply plants can only be established as small, independent facilities near each hut. For instance, generators as well as solar cells or other power production facilities. All small facilities are to be established in a manner that ensures that using them does not cause any inconvenience to neighbours, such as noise, smoke, odours, vibrations or the like. Solid waste is either to be incinerated or transported away. Incineration is to entail no risk to surrounding buildings or nature, nor is it to cause inconvenience to anyone. For night soil, it is possible to use sanitary buckets. The content is either to be emptied directly into the sea, composted or disposed of in such a manner that it does not cause inconvenience to anyone or the surrounding nature. Wastewater from existing houses with a water closet is to be disposed of in the same manner.
Listed, protected and preservation-worthy features
No special provisions
Regulated zones
No special provisions
Special provisions
No special provisions