1400-A01 Qaqqannguup Aqquserna

1400-A01 (en)

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  • Location – town/settlement


  • Purpose

    Residential areas

  • Specific use

    Open-low housing

  • Use

    The area is to be used for residential purposes with open-low residential buildings in the shape of detached single-family houses

  • Current conditions

    The area covers an area of some 9 ha

  • Building provisions

    New buildings are to have a maximum height of two storeys.

  • Remaining available space

    The area is fully developed without any available space

  • Traffic service and utilities

    Road access to the area is to be from Akinguit Aqquserna, Aammaruutissat Aqquserna, Dalagip Aqquserna, Paviap Aqq., Biinaiap Aqq., Isak Klestip Aqquserna, Ungaap Aqquserna, Jelimip Aqquserna and Qaqqannguup Aqquserna

  • Listed, protected and preservation-worthy features

    B-6 and B-276 are preservation-worthy. These buildings can only be demolished or their appearances changed following prior permission by the municipal council. Within a distance of 20 metres, registered ancient monuments are to be kept clear of buildings and facilities, cf. section 5 in the Preservation Act. The Greenland National Museum may grant an exception from the provisions.

  • Regulated zones

    The area is covered by the explosives store’s safety zone. This part of the area cannot be developed or in any other way be used contrary to the safety zone provisions. Traffic in the area is to respect the safety zone around the explosives store; However, the public will continue to have access to the part of the area that is not fenced in.

  • Special provisions

    Buildings are to keep a minimum distance of 15 metres from building B-6