0003-N02 Maarmorilik Mine

0003-N02 (en)

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  • Location – town/settlement

    Nunaannaq (Det aabne land)

  • Purpose

    Technical supply plants and other infrastructure

  • Specific use


  • Use

    The area is zoned for major technical facilities such as hydro plants and water catchment lakes. Permanent residences, stations, camps and the like may be established near the companies and facilities in the area. Such companies will depend on local infrastructure and the technical supply plants. No recreational huts or summer cottages may be established in these areas as they are reserved for the abovementioned companies and facilities. A few hunting and emergency huts may be established near water catchment lakes for hydro plants as long as the huts are not located near technical supply plants.

  • Current conditions

    The area consists of the mining area The area covers a total of 5,712 ha

  • Building provisions

    Permanent residences, stations, camps and the like may be established near the companies and facilities in the area. To a limited extent, a few hunting and emergency huts may be established near water catchment lakes for hydro plants as long as their number does not change the area’s overall use.

  • Remaining available space

    No special provisions

  • Traffic service and utilities

    A jetty or another type of port as well as a helistop can be established since this may be vital to areas holding technical facilities and infrastructure etc. In these areas, roads, wheel tracks or paths mat be established near facilities and buildings. It is possible to establish additional technical supply plants, including power, water, telecommunications and sewerage facilities to locally supply each area. Facilities for capturing fresh-water, sewage discharge as well as major power supply plants can only be established following permission by the Government of Greenland.

  • Listed, protected and preservation-worthy features

    No special provisions

  • Regulated zones

    No special provisions

  • Special provisions

    No special provisions