0003-M16 Experimental farming, Kangerluk

0003-M16 (en)

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  • Location – town/settlement

    Nunaannaq (Det aabne land)

  • Purpose

    Keeping of animals and agriculture

  • Specific use


  • Use

    The area is to be used for agriculture (growing of vegetables and crops). It is possible to construct buildings that relate to agriculture such as greenhouses, sheds for machinery etc.

  • Current conditions

    The area is unspoiled

  • Building provisions

    Huts are to have a maximum height of 2 storeys, which corresponds to one floor with a habitable attic, measuring no more than 7.5 metres to the ridge. Huts are to be constructed at least 60 metres from industrial buildings in the area. Huts are to be constructed at least 60 metres apart.

  • Remaining available space

    The area covers a total of 15 ha The area is considered fully developed without any available space

  • Traffic service and utilities

    In these areas, jetties, roads, wheel tracks or paths mat be established near facilities and buildings. It is possible to establish technical supply plants, including power, water, telecommunications and sewerage facilities to locally supply each area. Facilities for capturing fresh-water, sewage discharge as well as major power supply plants can only be established following permission by the Government of Greenland.

  • Listed, protected and preservation-worthy features

    No special provisions

  • Regulated zones

    No special provisions

  • Special provisions

    No special provisions